I often find myself in rural parts during the course of my work day. .. One day I went to see a patient in the middle of nowhere as usual. She is typically in her bedroom hanging out and the deal is, knock and go in. To get to her room I have to cross through a dark living room. I went in and had a good session with the patient. At the end I crossed again through the dark living room and almost stepped on something. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the dark and then I saw it... what the hell? sure enough, right there, bigger than Dallas Texas, in the middle of the livingroom floor, was a dead bunny. I looked closer and could see it had been shot in the head and there was a little rivulet of bunny blood coming from it's little head wound. I've seen enough CSI episodes to know that it hadn't been dead long. I didn't linger but went to the kitchen and marked down my next appointment on their calendar. On my way back through the bunny crime scene also known as "the living room" the patient's daughter was there and began to ask me about the patient's progress etc and like that. So now just imagine, there we are having a rather normal conversation while standing next to the dead bunny. Now I wasn't about to mention the bunny but it was all I could do to keep myself focused on the conversation given the fact that one false move and someone was going to step on the dead bunny, or at least in the little pool of blood. ah jeez. I realize that the photo above is a cow. But not only could I not mention the bunny, I couldn't be snappin a picture of either, now could I ???