Sunday, July 27, 2008

google snaggletooth

For the last few days I've had my good pal for decades, Nancy Lang here for a visit. OMG we had so much fun. When a person tells their friends they are going to Santa Fe for a visit they are expected to go and do certain things. So Lang felt as though she should be able to report that she went shopping on the plaza, visited museums and art openings, and hiked in the desert..and of course Spanish Market was this weekend. So we did all those things, in a dilettante fashion. We blasted through Site Santa Fe, went to one really cool booth at Spanish Market, shopped at the jewelry supply store and took Sparky for a walk in the river. Then the rest of the time we spent making stuff in the studio. Oh yeah and we went to a few lame garage sales.

We talked about how doing the metal work was so satisfying and the process to intriguing then proceeded to spew expletives as things didn't work out quite how they should and I proceeded to drill into my thumb with the cordless power drill. We discovered the limits and possibilities of the hand held butane torch, including making a silver bezel with it!

It's great how another person in the studio keeps a person going. We're both doing stuff so you keep the commitment to what you're working on, when alone you'd toss it aside and go watch tv.

I think Nancy has the most amazing ability to put things together in a pleasing way. She can take a pile of crap and the next thing you know it's an amazing combo of fun.

There's nothing like an old friend for being able to truly be yourself. We can launch into song or story at the drop of a hat, and despite not seeing each other but a couple times a year can say the same thing simultaneously as if we had a script. I just hate the thought of going back to the work a day world tomorrow....

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I'm feeling rather dull and boring lately. Others tell me of their various ideas, projects and goings on, and I have nothing to add, NOTHING.... so while I'm rotting along with my work a day existence enjoy a bit from yet another excellent art show by Thomas Ashcraft

Friday, July 4, 2008

Not a good day for the animals

Long story short, or maybe medium.... I was all ready for a nice ride before the fire crackers started this morning, only to find my trusty steed with a quite swollen leg. I'm sure all parents understand this universal law, and any of you who have animals perhaps... if they are going to get sick or injured it will be well after 5PM or on a weekend and better yet on a national holiday! It's the 4th of July and sure enough this was bad enough to call the vet, probably shouldn't wait until monday. He was not in any particular distress, in fact was not even limping on his leg, but that's his nature. He's a stoic. However, a bandage, which I could manage on my own, and antibiotics, which I couldn't procure without the ver, were in order. He was good about being dr'd today which he isn't always, but now that he has the bandage Mr. curiosity is feeling pretty bad. He doesn't want his horse pals seeing him like this and besides that, he's convinced I'm trying to poison him with the bitter stuff I'm putting in his grain.. (antibiotics)
So poor Keno is hiding in his stall full of shame.
In other pet news, Bad Marie, afraid of the non stop fire cracker action, has been hiding under the bed all day..Sparky is glued to my side. Little Peep, the loyal and hard working house cat, is just fine.