Sunday, January 27, 2008

the shadow side...

This picture has nothing to do with anything except that my horse has trouble facing his "shadow side". Note the suspicion in his eye...
I was going to blab on and on about people angsting over whether or not you can call yourself an artist if you don't show in the galleries. (prompted by a panel discussion on "living the creative" life I attended on sat.) But all I have to say about this really is call yourself a sprockethead if you want, and just get in your studio and make stuff!! My horse says, "snort at the dark side".

Sunday, January 20, 2008

coming to a mailbox near you

I opted out of the lunar new year last year since I couldn't quite bring myself to get into the pig... but for god's sake I'm all about lunacy, in fact I've been referred to as a lunatic, so I can't go another year without some sort of recognition of the day of the loons. This year is an homage to Banksy a London graffiti artist. Now, there's a guy who can really capture a rat character eh?