Saturday, February 23, 2008

Choose Love

This just in from Nancy Lang. Isn't it cool?? I was going to blab on and on about recent life lessons, and how I'm just not cut out for corporate life, but let's just leave it at this, choosing love is easier said than done sometimes. worth trying though.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

is it illegal?

I went out to get the newspaper saturday morning, walking by my car, I noticed there was a giant, and I mean really big,(bigger 'n dallas) phallus drawn in the dirt on the side of my car. At first, I was really freaked out, I mean eeeuuu. Then I remembered i'd been to a bar the night before to see a blues band and so rather than someone creeping around in my driveway drawing on my car, it was more than likely some of the young punks that were out in the parking lot expressing themselves. And for sure they got a powerful point across. Nothing says "wash me" like a giant penis on the drivers side door! It still occurred to me to call the sheriff. (ok I'm in the city limits so I'd really call the police, but it sounds more western to call the "sheriff".) But then I'm wondering is it illegal to draw in the dirt on a persons car? It didn't scratch the paint, a wet rag removes it, and yet, it's objectionable material. Or is that a matter of taste really? I wanted to call the police at least to get a humorous posting in the police blotter of the newspaper. In this town, this topic could start quite a local controversy along the lines of "is it art?". In the end I washed it off with a little 409. I noticed then it was signed, the initials were tucked quietly around the top of my tail light.
The photo is of a necklace I made recently. It says "bless your heart". I'm hopelessly bad at taking photos.... but anyway, I say "bless your heart" to the little burgeoning artist who graced my car with his expression of bad taste.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


This is a photo I took of the Barack O'Bama rally last night. really. I guess I should have studied my camera manual before attempting a night picture... So use your imagination. It was wild! I decided to go to the rally with my pal Mary, and we left plenty early, but I think just about everyone in town decided to go too! A normally 10 minute drive took an hour and 15 minutes. It was the biggest traffic jam I'd ever seen here. Once we finally got there still an hour or so early, the line outside was way way long, and just kept getting longer. People kept standing in the line even knowing full well we weren't going to get in. It was so dang cold too. amazing. The other thing that was amazing is that they weren't blasting any songs or chants or anything, but never the less the people stayed in line just in case... Mary tried to get people in the spirit by singing "if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.." No one could get into it. (including me, frankly) Anyhooski.... There were thousands of people who did get in and thousands of us who didn't, so Barack came out and talked for a couple minutes to the frozen throngs,(see photo above..,use your imagination) and it was great. I hate to put my enthusiasm behind anyone anymore, as it seems if I like a candidate, TV show, etc it's the kiss of death.

This is why I'm supporting my dog Sparky for president. She is hardworking and has strong family values. She's all about recycling (she'll eat anything!) and she's all about "change". More on this to come...