so here it is, a year and a half after the big break up... I made it through the survival phase: can I pay the bills??, what do single persons eat for breakfast?, do the rules of gravity still apply to me? . Now into the NOW WHAT? phase. I don't remember feeling like this for a long time, anxious and angst ridden, what to do with my life kind of a thing. I'm trudging along day to day rather bored and unsettled. so of course the opportunity to get myself embroiled in a heartache kind of situation comes up. or at least in MY head it comes up....20 years ago yippie skippy off i'd go, now I'm a little bit more reticent, but still worked up enough to lose sleep over thinking about the possiblility.

I made this piece to channel the energy. It involved power tools, which is always a good release, now isn't it? One side says "no way, stay out, be safe", the other is "well maybe a good jolt is just what the dr. ordered!"
Man oh man, I wish that I could whip out a piece of jewelry that beautiful to put things in perspective when I get a little ba-jiggity. You sound wise and grounded, even if you don't FEEL anywhere close.
This Blog is totally Good... just right. Well done!
Yo Pal,
What a find, that little piece of scrap metal!
I'm digging it; let's hear more!!
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