Cars are a pain in the neck. I'm finished with a tough visit, a visit you just want to get out of there while the gettin's good kind of a deal. In the process of backing out I barely tapped the edge of my car on a wooden retaining wall. (the wall was fine) The entire front of my car fell onto the driveway. It was impressive. I quickly picked up the entire front of my car....and rammed it into place. Luckily I had a roll of duct tape in the trunk and I put a couple pieces on there to hold it and got on with the day. I remembered that my old pal Gene Nix the former race car driver referred to duct tape as "100 mile an hour tape". Since I wasn't planning to drive that fast in the next few days, I figured I'm good for awhile. So during the next 10 days I start with my best dumb incompetent girl act. I show most the men in my life my duct tape handiwork, indicating I don't have the first idea how to go about fixing a thing like this (not entirely true), and I'm sure the guys at the garage would charge me thousands (true) to fix it, OH my what's a girl to do sort of a motif. This was getting me nowhere. In a hurry. So I pulled out the stops and began to ask them if there was black duct tape and if so, where would I get myself some. Nothing, not a one of them said "oh, let me run and get my drill..."
So the only thing left to do is fix it myself. I thought to myself, "what would McGiver do?" (not entirely true) Actually I thought to myself "what would Kieth "no glue" LoBue do?" So long story short, I fashioned a bracket out of some sheet steel I had laying around, drilled the appropriate holes in the car and the bracket, a couple of bolts and badabing badaboom...good to go.

Solo girl strikes again.
Unbelievable!!! Yet again reflecting that art is everywhere whether people recognize it or not! I am most impressed!! Nothing like taking the skills you've learned and applying them across the spectrum... Awesome!
People are most happy I didn't turn the front of my car into a necklace...
VVEERRRYY Impressive indeed.
I would have been flapping my hands like a duck and running in circles...You, on the other hand..just went to work and fixed the dang thing. Looks pretty good too.
Remember to add this to your C.V. !!!
Love the McGivering of the bumper but that would never fly in Pennsylvania -- as soon as you got the duct tape securely on, you would have been stopped and ticketed (and probably your driver's license and/or car would be confiscated!) -- I guess that is yet another benefit of living in the wild, wild West!
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