I made this necklace in my Nina Bagley class. It has some issues in the structural stability dept, but as I look at it I think I know how to fix it. I'll show you how that turns out. Nina gives a dang good demo I have to say. The idea of the class was to make a necklace out of spare bits and things we found during the time at artfest. Some people brought a lot of stuff from home, but I chose to take the class description seriously and used stuff I found on the beach and some odd bits of chain. I think it turned out kind of cool, don't you?
I'm loving it!
Love the necklace -- what's wrong with it structurally? It looks great!
Are you kidding?
This is amazing and looks nothing like Nina, the key to taking a class: get the concept and do your OWN spin.
Love it. To Hell with stuff from home, you can get your hands on that any day. This was brilliant.
Sling it over your head and be proud. Be very, very proud.
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