I finally got something in the etsy shop! (see the button on the right side of the blog and it will take you there). It was a huge deal for me to figure out, sheesh. My reputation as the world's worst photographer is not in jeopardy by any stretch of the imagination. Too bad too, since these earrings are really cool. In real life they twist and turn in the light and are so summery and fun.
In my day job work a day life, I had the annual employee performance review meeting with the assistant manager of rehab services at the hospital. I have to admit my mind wasn't there. I was drifting in and out of consciousness throughout the thing. We got to the usual question which is "what are your goals this year?" I was instantly thinking about the various art and jewelry projects I wanted to get done, the look of my blog and etsy shop,and on and on along those lines. I must have looked confused because he then said "you know, your career objectives, continuing professional enhancement course work..." Oh yeah, my job....frankly I'm so over it.... the big reward in my job is given by management to the people who fill forms out correctly and completely, not the one who helps patients get better. (ok I've said it and I'm glad...)I did come up with some sort of an answer....
anyway, I hope you visit the shop, and I hope I can keep making stuff.

I made the copper "bead" out of a penny
The earrings are fab! Do I say that about everything? Excellent close-up photo! Did you saw and drill the penny?
These earrings are great! I almost purchased them but I'm trying to live within my budget . . . there's always the rebate check.
You should add the close-up photo to your etsy shop. You can add up to five photos per item, at no additional cost.
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