So I'm now the big 50. It just seems impossible. However, I was at the bank the other day and thought to myself,"it seems odd all these kids are running the bank..." well, they aren't exactly kids, I'm just older. Think about it, a guy younger than myself might be the president soon (I hope). Holy buckets, that can freak a person out.
We had a huge party in celebration, and in the course of discussing being 50, my friend who is 45, last year diagnosed with brain cancer and a poor prognosis, said simply, "you're lucky". Well that's the truth now isn't it.
Here's what comes to mind in thinking about how lucky I truly am, no particular order and certainly not complete.
1. duh, I have ponies!! How many gals can say that!
2. I have great ponies. well behaved, and talented. and they love me.yay
3. I'm surrounded by fascinating, generous and kind people. These people seem to love me back despite my faults.
4. I get to live in a great town. It is a place where there's room for all sorts. I love that.
5. I have a great job. I love to complain about it, but the fact is, I pretty much dig what I do, and have minimal irritation, few meetings and a flexible schedule.
6. I have always had enough. plenty to eat, a nice place to live, wonderful friends, enough dough to do what I want, but not so much that I take it for granted or get bored. This has been true my whole life, so I feel as though I always will. That's a lucky thing right there.
7. I feel good physically most of the time.
8. OMG, can't forget Sparky, my dog, and the kitties. I just love the kitties. nothing more relaxing than seeing a cat draped over the windowsill. And Sparky is a dang fine dog, with a huge fan club of her own.
I could go on and on, as I lead a charmed life. I know that in seconds it can all change but right now, for this minute, I'm so so fortunate. I'm grateful.
Love you, babe, hope it was great!
I love this post. It is wonderful to pause and put it all into perspective and turning 50 is a great time to do it. So often we (me too) focus on the lack rather than what we still have. Considering the alternatives, every day that you're able to open your eyes, see the sky and keep moving is a gift. Here's to at least 50 more!
Way to be reflective! Very nice post. One can think all these things but to really put it out there, put it on paper in a cogent way, is a great thing! Happy 50th year!! And that's how I view it: you've got to celebrate all year long! I'm in!
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