Site Santa Fe is having it's seventh biennial exhibit. Now these things are experiential, experimental and sometimes so modern it's beyond my comprehension. So I went to the public opening with skepticism in my heart. I only skimmed through the various articles written about what it was supposed to be about and came away from the reading with the notion that it's about creating a community. OK, whatever.
I have to tell you, OMG it was so dang fun I can't believe it. I'll be going again and again to try and get more out of the thing. They have built a ramp that winds up and around inside the building so you see the various bits from several different angles, and part of the experience is watching others having the experience. There's this movie of people walking along projected onto this long wall. If you touch one of the people walking they turn and talk to you! (there are a couple that sing) Once you let go they turn back and continue walking. It's so surprising and wild!
OK now to the personality test part... You are winding about along the ramp, way up at the top of the building and you come to a place where a decision has to be made. You can either make a left and go back down a ramp to the floor area, or turn right and jump. Its probably an 8 foot jump onto a stunt pad. A significant drop for sure. In the last couple days I've had a couple women tell me they are going out with a guy and wonder if it's going to be a thing, or not.. so I suggested go straight down to Site Santa Fe do not pass go. Without talking too much about what's about to happen see how the man responds to the various pieces, but especially to the jump.
Does he without hesitation fly off the thing?, Does he offer to hold your belongings while you jump? Does he suggest jumping together? Does he make a quick left and avoid the jump all together? and MOST IMPORTANTLY, how do you feel about his response to the situation? As you can see, you could tell a lot about a person by their response to the jump.
After this experience I have to admit I'm a little bit ruined for the gallery scene, where one is supposed to talk quietly, and look, don't touch the art. I almost got kicked out of a gallery the other night for fooling with the reostat light control. It made the painting look so cool though!!! (the artist was there and into it too, but the owner was less than amused....) I'll get a grip on myself again I'm sure, but now I don't want to just look, I want to experience the thing.
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